Tiaki Promise
The Chatham Islands is precious and everyone that lives and travels here must look after it.
It is our responsibility to take care of the land now and for future generations.
Our actions today will have ripple affects in the future and Hotel Chathams is striving towards improving its environmental impact and asked that those that travel to the Chatham Islands pays the same respect.

We welcome visitors to the Chatham Islands and ask that all visitors that tread upon our beautiful island respect our people, past and present, respect our culture and help us work towards preserving our environment for our future generations.
Our place - The Chatham Island's is home to over 30% of New Zealand's threatened species which is an attraction to many from all over the world. The island's geological wonders, preserved over thousands of years are rarely found anywhere else in the world.
The key restoration projects of species such as the Black Robin and rare seabird colonies like the Taiko, Chatham Albatross, Chatham Petrel and Chatham Tui.
The Chatham Islands is a small community that pulls together during tough times and celebrates the good. Hotel Chatham prides itself in being a visible supporter of the local community by providing support to the following programs:
Chatham Island Races
Chatham Island Netball
Chatham Island Swimming Pool
Play Centre
Supporting charity work through donations to raise valuable funds for projects like the BBM, which supports Maori and Pacific People in New Zealand through education, thereby enabling them to choose a healthy and active lifestyle for the duration of their lives, their children, their wider family, and the community.
The Chatham Islands is precious to us and it is important that it is around for future generations. The uniqueness and remoteness of the Chatham Island's means access to resources and environmental programs limited. At Hotel Chatham we have adopted steps to change the way we look at waste and continually looking at ways to improve.
Changes we have made:
Food packaging is biodegradable cardboard for packed lunches and takeaway meals.
We no longer supply plastic water bottles and have replaced them with metal water bottles for all tour passengers.
All our rooms have split waste bins to help reduce the volume of landfill on the Chatham Islands.
Food waste is used for animal feed on the Island (chooks and pigs)
We do encourage visitors to take large plastic items off the island with them when they depart to help reduce our landfill.
We ask visitors when they are staying at Hotel Chatham that they also respect our resources and minimise the use of:
Our water: It is a limited resource and ask when showering, using water for washing that you consider your usage and limit the use.
Our Electricity: Be conscious of your power use and turn off all appliances at the wall when not in use.
The moment that you arrive to the moment you leave you will quickly learn about the Manaakitanga of the Chatham Islands. These beautiful islands are filled with caring people who want to share their place with you. When you arrive at the Chatham Islands, you are sure to be welcomed with open arms. Toni and her team will take great care of you whilst you explore the island and learn about the inner beauty that the Chatham Islands has to offer.